End of Semester Instructions

1. You can turn in your revisions by slipping them under my office door BEFORE 2:00 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9 (Stop Day), or by bringing them to me while I am there (from 12:00 to 2:00). After that, however, the papers must be brought in person to any one of my finals (see schedule). If you slip them under my door, do put my name on the top as well as your own.

2. You MUST turn in all of your already graded essays at the final in your light-colored paper folder with pockets.

3. All UNGRADED essays (revisions) are turned in OUTSIDE of the folder NOT in the folder. I will put them in the folder when I finish grading them.

4. In the upper left hand corner of your folder, write

Your name
English 101
Fall 2011
11:00 or 12:00 MWF (whichever one you are enrolled in)

5.  You can come to any of my 4 final exams. The schedule is up on the englishcomp.homestead.com site

6. I may not have all the essay grades recorded, so I MUST have the essays back to make sure you get credit for turning them all in. If I don’t find a grade on my grade sheet for one of your papers, I will check the folder to find the grade. If the paper isn’t in the folder, then I must assume it simply was not turned in, and that means you cannot pass the course.

Also, the English Department requires us to have the essays on file for a semester, in case of grade disputes. If you do not turn your essays back in, you will get an F in the course.

7.  “Got No Time for You” (the essay the final is based on) is on the englishcomp.homestead.com site, as are the prompts for the final.